How Do I Treat a Torn or Detached Nail?

A torn or detached nail is no laughing matter. The act is often extremely painful and jarring and some may start to panic and wonder what to do. First and foremost, it’s important to seek first aid as soon as possible to prevent infection and eliminate the pain. If there is someone around to help you out, it’s even better, especially if the nail is a fingernail and on your dominant hand.

Keep in mind that a nail, whether it be a toenail or a fingernail, will not reattach to the nail bed, no matter how hard you try. Even if you leave the nail alone, it will eventually fall off as the new nail grows and takes its place. For fingernails, it can take up to 6 months to get back to its normal growth, where a toenail can take up to 18 months, depending on which nail was affected and how severe the tear is.

How is it treated?

Again, it all depends on the type of injury that has occurred to your nail. If a part of the nail is still left and is digging into the nail bed, removing it would be the best course of action to prevent the rest of the nail catching and tearing on clothing and other objects. For less severe cases, trimming off the detached part and filing down any sharp edges of the nail will suffice. If there was any kind of infection or skin condition that caused the nail to fall off, seeking treatment to prevent the spread of infection and to speed up the healing process is recommended.

Once the nail has been removed, soak the damaged nail in cold water for 20 minutes, then remove it, coat it in a thin layer of Vaseline or a similar product, and cover the nail with a bandage, preferably non stick. All of these items can be found at your nearest grocery or convenience store.

In the days that follow, you’ll want to keep treating the nail to prevent any infection from occurring.

To do this, you’ll need to:

  • Soak your damaged nail in warm water with 1 tsp of salt added to it. Repeat this 2 to 3 times each day for the next few days.
  • Apply Vaseline or a similar product, and cover your nail with a fresh bandage.
  • Repeat the Vaseline and bandage procedure until the nail bed has either hardened or the nail has grown back.
  • Keep watch for any signs of infection such as heat, redness, unusual pain, swelling, or pus. Contact your doctor if any of these signs appear as you may be prescribed an antibiotic to rid your nail of the infection.

Once your nail has grown back, be sure to pick up a bottle of Plei Nail Strengthener and apply to your nails every day to prevent this kind of injury from happening again.

What Causes Brittle Toenails?

As we age, our body begins to decelerate and things aren’t quite what they used to be. The same can be said about our toenails. To aid them during this time, it’s recommended to keep them trimmed and well moisturized to keep the nails soft and nourished. Avoiding nail polish as we age might be for the best as well as nail polish contains chemicals which can speed up the damage. While the most common cause of brittle toenails may be because of the natural process of aging though, it could also indicate an undiagnosed medical condition, prompting you to visit your family doctor as soon as possible.

Thyroid Conditions:

Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can cause toenail problems, with the latter being the more common to produce this problem.

Fungal Infections:

A certain infection called onychomycosis will also cause brittle toenails, accompanied by dulling the appearance of the nail, thickening, and sometimes causing a change in the overall shape.

Nutritional Deficiency:

Finally, developing brittle toenails may be due to your diet and the lack of vitamins which you may not be getting. The most common nutrients associated with brittle toenails are iron and biotin, both of which can be easily added to your diet through simple changes or supplements. Talk with your doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary as unlying health problems may also be causing a disruption if your absorption of nutrients.

For keeping healthy, strong nails, use Plei Nail Strengthener to aid the healing process and continue to use everyday for optimal nail health.

Do Nail Clippers Damage Your Nails?

It’s no secret that nail clippers are outdated and impractical. The archaic design does little to benefit your nails as the shape doesn’t aid in the process of shortening them. Even curved nail clippers, which are supposed to be better than the original, are curved in the wrong direction, and thus are no better than their predecessor.

But with the limited options out there, should we continue to use them? The answer is controversial as there are many who have shunned them from their beauty routine and opted for a nail file, and those who love the convenience of a quick cut and refuse to give them up. While no one can argue with the time saving properties of the original, the nail file may be the better choice overall as the use of a nail clipper may be the cause of split and cracked nails.

What happens when you use the nail clipper is that you are applying pressure and flattening the nail as you cut through the nail plate. This, in turn, weakens the nail and cracks the keratin that is holding the layers of the nail together.

Below, you’ll find a video that demonstrates what happens to your nail when you apply the heavy pressure of a nail clipper to your nails.

While you make the switch from nail clippers to a nail file, be sure to use Plei Nail Strengthener to speed up the process and get on track to healthy, strong nails.

Nail Polish and its Effects on Your Health

Looking at ingredients is common practice when choosing foods at the grocery store. We do it to make better, healthier choices in our lives to keep our bodies safe. But what about nail polish? Should we be looking at the ingredients of that, too? The answer is yes, because what you might not know is that nail polish can have serious effects on your health.

Some nail polish brands, even some that claim to be toxin-free, contain a compound known as diphenyl phosphate (DPHP) which, when it comes into contact with your body, can seep into your skin. Once inside, your body metabolizes it into the chemical triphenyl phosphate (TPP), and scientists hypothesize that this chemical can interfere with the body’s natural hormones.

A report which tested various nail polish brands found them to contain the toxin called toluene which could be linked to birth defects and developmental setbacks to the babies of mothers who were exposed to the chemical for long periods of time during pregnancy.

However, despite these facts, there hasn’t been much evidence to prove what short term effects these chemicals have on the body. Therefore, an occasional mani-pedi should not put you at any risk, but pregnant women should take extra caution and perhaps skip the spa day altogether to avoid unnecessary birth complications. Spa technicians should be wary as well as they are exposed to these chemicals for long periods of time.

A good alternative to keep your nails looking beautiful and healthier is to use nail strengthener. Plei Nail Strengthener is formaldehyde free and can reverse any damage done to your nails done by chemicals, wear and tear, and artificial nails.

Do artificial nails, gel and shellac harm your nails health?

Artificial nails have grown increasingly popular over the years, and more people than ever now are flocking to the salons for their own splash of colour and lengthening enhancement. The process can be quite lengthy depending on the route that you take as well as the experience of the nail technician, and the nails themselves typically last for month or so before people go back for a touch-up. This all depends on how fast your nails grow, as well as if the nail ends up chipping or breaking off entirely.

The most popular kinds of artificial nails are acrylic and gel nails. Both are similiar in the fact that they are made with acrylic, but gel nails require a further step called “curing” which is done with the aid of a machine that emits ultraviolet light. The acrylic adheres to your natural nail, and as your nail grows, the space between your nail bed and the acrylic also grows, resulting in a gap.

Nail technicians will warn you beforehand that when this happens that you should keep your hands as dry as possible as the gap creates a moist and warm environment where bacteria can fester and grow, resulting in a possible nail infection. Signs and symptoms of a nail infection include swelling, redness, and pus.

With proper care, this doesn’t happen to most people. Artificial nails are completely safe and do not damage your nails, but nail technicians do advise that you give your nails a break every 2-3 months to allow your natural nails to breathe. This can be done either at home with various tools, or your nail technician can remove them using a special formula designed to remove acrylic.

After removing your artificial nails, Plei Nail Strengthener can be applied to strengthen up the nails for their next round of acrylics and to keep them healthy and strong.

Plei Nail Strengthener: Your #1 Solution for Stronger, Healthier Nails

Are you tired of your nails constantly chipping and breaking, or have they lost their healthy sheen from daily use working with chemicals? Well then look no further, because Plei Cosmetics has the answer in the form of Plei Nail Strengthener.

This revolutionary formaldehyde-free formula is easy to use, virtually odourless, and actively targets the nail to restore it to its former glory. For easy application, simply take a cotton swab or pad and coat it with Plei Nail Strengthener, then apply it directly underneath and on top of the nail. For a visual demonstration, check out the video below.

This product is able to be used with artificial nails, as well as nails which have shellac or gel polish applied to them with no peeling or fading effect thanks to its gentle, but strong, formula.

Clients have reported positive results in less than 4 weeks of use, and have continued to use it daily to maintain their now healthy, strong nails. It is recommended to use this product before going to bed, or during a period of time when you won’t be washing your hands for a minimum of two hours.

Plei Nail Strengthener is affordable, long-lasting, and an absolute must-have in your caretaking routine.

See the results and order a bottle for yourself by visiting our website, or send us an email for all questions related to this amazing product.