Do Nail Clippers Damage Your Nails?

It’s no secret that nail clippers are outdated and impractical. The archaic design does little to benefit your nails as the shape doesn’t aid in the process of shortening them. Even curved nail clippers, which are supposed to be better than the original, are curved in the wrong direction, and thus are no better than […]

Nail Polish and its Effects on Your Health

Looking at ingredients is common practice when choosing foods at the grocery store. We do it to make better, healthier choices in our lives to keep our bodies safe. But what about nail polish? Should we be looking at the ingredients of that, too? The answer is yes, because what you might not know is […]

Do artificial nails, gel and shellac harm your nails health?

Artificial nails have grown increasingly popular over the years, and more people than ever now are flocking to the salons for their own splash of colour and lengthening enhancement. The process can be quite lengthy depending on the route that you take as well as the experience of the nail technician, and the nails themselves […]