As we age, our body begins to decelerate and things aren’t quite what they used to be. The same can be said about our toenails. To aid them during this time, it’s recommended to keep them trimmed and well moisturized to keep the nails soft and nourished. Avoiding nail polish as we age might be […]
It’s no secret that nail clippers are outdated and impractical. The archaic design does little to benefit your nails as the shape doesn’t aid in the process of shortening them. Even curved nail clippers, which are supposed to be better than the original, are curved in the wrong direction, and thus are no better than […] 12:16:272019-02-13 16:13:26Do Nail Clippers Damage Your Nails?
Looking at ingredients is common practice when choosing foods at the grocery store. We do it to make better, healthier choices in our lives to keep our bodies safe. But what about nail polish? Should we be looking at the ingredients of that, too? The answer is yes, because what you might not know is […] 16:58:282019-01-30 14:21:46Nail Polish and its Effects on Your Health
What Causes Brittle Toenails?
/0 Comments/in Blog /by admin_pleiAs we age, our body begins to decelerate and things aren’t quite what they used to be. The same can be said about our toenails. To aid them during this time, it’s recommended to keep them trimmed and well moisturized to keep the nails soft and nourished. Avoiding nail polish as we age might be […]
Do Nail Clippers Damage Your Nails?
/in Blog /by admin_pleiIt’s no secret that nail clippers are outdated and impractical. The archaic design does little to benefit your nails as the shape doesn’t aid in the process of shortening them. Even curved nail clippers, which are supposed to be better than the original, are curved in the wrong direction, and thus are no better than […]
Nail Polish and its Effects on Your Health
/0 Comments/in Blog /by admin_pleiLooking at ingredients is common practice when choosing foods at the grocery store. We do it to make better, healthier choices in our lives to keep our bodies safe. But what about nail polish? Should we be looking at the ingredients of that, too? The answer is yes, because what you might not know is […]