Bleeding under the nail

A subungual hematoma occurs when blood collects under the nail. It usually happens due to crushing injuries, such as dropping something heavy on the leg or hitting a finger on a car door. It can cause severe pain and purple, black and white discoloration under the nail. Some cases can be treated at home, but if it is very painful or due to significant damage, you should see a doctor. Quick treatment helps prevent complications such as infection, permanent nail loss, or deformity.

How does a doctor diagnose a hematoma under the nail?

The doctor will examine the area and take X-rays, and the nail may need to be pulled.

Treatment of hematoma under the nail

The treatment of subungual hematoma may include: ice, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotic ointment and dressing, draining the hematoma through a small hole with a hot wire (cauter) or penetration into the nail, splint and plaster of the toe nail after draining. Nail or pulling and stitching the nail, if a bone under the nail is broken, antibiotics for infection; be

When to see a doctor?

If you experience pain or a hematoma that covers a quarter or more of the surface under the nail, see your doctor or the emergency department of a hospital.

Hematoma under the nail

You are most likely to experience dark purple discoloration under the nail and pain from blood pressure trapped between the nail and the nail bed. If the pain is mild and a small part of the nail bed is discolored, you can relieve symptoms with ice, elevation of the limb, and anti-inflammatory medications. If you are in severe pain and the blood covers most of the area under the nail, the doctor will drain it through a small hole in the nail. This usually relieves the pain quickly and painlessly. The nail may fall off after a few weeks. If the subungual hematoma covers half or more of the nail, nail extraction and stitches may be needed to help a new nail grow. The nail should grow within 6 to 12 weeks. If a bone is also broken in the arm or leg during the injury, the doctor may prescribe a splint and antibiotics.

If the subungual hematoma covers more than half of the nail, it is possible that you have broken a bone.

Nail care

How to strengthen nails?

Drying the nails

Water can damage the texture of nails and make them brittle and weak. Therefore, it is better to dry your nails after showering or using body water. Also, try to use dishwashing gloves when washing dishes, clothes or surfaces. In this way, you prevent the nails from getting wet or too much contact with water and detergents. By carefully drying your nails, you can play an important role in their growth.

Shaping and cleaning the nails

Shaping the nails has a great effect in preventing them from breaking and crushing. In addition, clean and neat nails prevent the temptation to chew nails. Hitting obstacles, breaking and chewing nails can lead to a decrease in the growth and strength of nails. So try to always keep your nails neat and clean.


Some diseases, including diabetes, with reduced blood circulation, are one of the reasons for decreased nail growth. These diseases often show their effect on the growth of toenails. Massage of the nails can greatly compensate for the decrease in blood circulation and help to strengthen the nails.

Protect the nail cuticle

Cuticles are the delicate part of the nail that protects the matrix. Excessive trimming of the cuticles exposes the nail matrix or base to many risks including infection. Instead of shortening the cuticles, it is better to moisturize them continuously. Also, be sensitive about the manicure of your nails. Many nail technicians open the way for bacteria to enter the sensitive nail tissue by using wrong techniques such as cutting the cuticles too much.

So try to use professional nail design experts. Also, if you bring your personal manicure accessories, you have done yourself the biggest favor. Remember that manicure is a painless cosmetic technique. So if you feel a lot of pain during the manicure, ask your nail technician to stop. Try to choose the best nail implant method for yourself.

Do not use acetone

Acetone is extremely harmful for nail strength. Therefore, do not use acetone to remove your nail polish. Instead, you can use milder nail polish removers. Also, use acetone-free cleaners for nail planting. Finally, wash your hands and use moisturizer.

Proper nutrition is essential to strengthen the nails

Take seriously the role of nutrition in the growth and strengthening of your nails. Nails, like other parts of the body, need a balanced diet. Benefiting from a varied and healthy food plan that includes a wide range of protein sources, water, various fruits and vegetables, minerals and vitamins, plays a major role in the strength of your nails. Also, providing vitamins such as calcium, iron and biotin are essential for the health of nails.

Nail growth

The speed of nail growth depends on several factors. Like skin and hair, nails are made of different layers of keratin protein cells. The hard part of the nail or the nail plate is responsible for protecting the sensitive skin underneath, the nail base. The substance that makes up the base of the nail is made in a part called the matrix under the cuticle.

The condition and rapid growth of nails can be a sign of health or lack of health. Research by the American Academy of Dermatology shows that yellow nails may be a sign of diabetes. In addition, according to this research, yellow, thick and slow-growing nails can show symptoms of lung disease. But you may be wondering why the nails don’t grow?

Age has an effect on nail growth

The speed of nail growth varies throughout people’s lives. For example, babies’ nails grow faster than adults. Children’s nails grow faster than adults. In fact, the speed of nail growth reaches its maximum between the ages of 10 and 14. But after this age, it slows down and gradually gets a lower growth rate as the age increases.

Therefore, the growth of nails in one day of adults is less than that of children and babies.

Hormones help nail growth

According to the results of the United States Academy of Dermatology, hormonal diseases and the loss of hormone balance in the body have a great impact on the growth of nails. For example, the speed of strengthening or growth of nails increases in pregnant women and decreases during breastfeeding. In addition, the premenstrual period may also lead to increased nail growth.

Cutting nails is effective in rapid nail growth

Another effective factor that can increase the growth of nails is cutting them. In a way, it can be said that the nail clipper is one of the nail strengtheners. If you regularly trim your nails, you will experience faster growth.

The effect of seasons on the growth of nails

Different seasons of the year have a significant effect on the speed of nail growth. Human nails grow more in the warm seasons than in the cold seasons. Therefore, the change of seasons is one of the reasons for the reduction of nail growth, and if this happens to you, make sure that it has nothing to do with the seasons.

The difference in the speed of growth of different nails

Normally, toenails grow less than hand nails and hand nails grow faster. In addition, each of the fingernails and toenails has a different growth rate. For example, the nail of the little finger has the lowest growth among other nails. Also, thumb nail growth rate is slower than others. This is the fact that in most people, the speed of growth of index and middle finger nails is faster than others.

Of course, in general, this difference is very small and is measured in tenths of a millimeter. On the other hand, being right-handed or left-handed affects the speed of nail growth. The nails of the dominant hand always grow faster than the nails of the non-dominant hand. Also, people who have more daily manual activities have more growth in their nails than other people.

How to strengthen nails?

Benefiting from long and healthy nails doubles the attractiveness of your hands. In addition to improving the appearance, healthy nails help to make daily tasks easier. Using some simple home solutions can be effective in preventing breakage, improving the appearance and strength of nails. Although these solutions do not help the speed of nail growth. But they can provide a proper growth platform by strengthening and strengthening the nails. In the rest of this article, we will describe some home remedies to strengthen nails.

Dry skin means dry nails. Very dry skin may even crack and bleed due to lack of moisture. In this case, your nails are easily exposed to fungal and bacterial infections. The dryness of the nail and the surrounding matrix leads to a decrease in the growth and strength of the nails. Therefore, to prevent dry skin, don’t forget to moisturize your hands and nails, especially in the cold seasons of the year. In this case, you will have fresh and glowing skin. Bright and fresh skin is one of the things we teach participants in micro needling training. In addition, it is better to use moisturizing lotions after each wash.

Scaling of nails

Scaling of nails or ( Onychoschiza ) is a problem that can happen to any person; But its severity and weakness depends on the condition of the patient and the cause of this problem. But what is important is that most of us do not know what the cause of this problem is and what should be done for nail peeling.

What are the symptoms of peeling nails?

Scaling of nails may have different symptoms for each person and occur in different forms. But you should know that most of the people with this disease get badly shaped nails and witness their peeling. This problem may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Create a horizontal crack in the nail

Elevation of the top layer of the nail and its thinning

Dryness and crusting around the nail

Yellowing of nails

Creating a bump on the nail

What is the cause of peeling nail skin?

Many reasons may cause peeling nails; Some of them can be solved without medication, and for the treatment of some of them, you have to go to a specialist. These reasons are many, but we introduce the most important ones below:

The cause of peeling nails

Injury to the nail or damage due to contact with chemicals


Finger sucking habit in children

Kidney Diseases

Lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Kawasaki syndrome in children

Excessive contact with moisture and detergents


Skin dryness

Skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis

Deficiency of some vitamins

When should we see a doctor?

In general, you should see a doctor when the peeling of the nail is accompanied by the following symptoms.


Weight Loss


Inflamed skin

Excessive thirst

Night sweat


Heart beat


Symptoms of depression

First of all, you should know that in order to treat scaling around the nails, you should first visit a dermatologist and beauty doctor to check all your symptoms based on his expertise and find out the root cause of this problem by recommending various tests.

If you want to know about nail peeling treatment methods, we must say that any doctor may recommend one of these methods based on the type of disease, symptoms and your physical condition.

Recognizing the underlying disease that caused this problem and recommending to refer to appropriate specialist doctors for its treatment

Use of antifungal creams and pills

Prescribing antihistamine tablets to eliminate the allergic background of the disease

Prescribing creams containing corticosteroids to treat peeling nails due to eczema and psoriasis

Prescribing suitable moisturizing lotions and creams to treat dry skin

Prescription of strengthening tablets to eliminate the lack of vitamins

Prescribing iron tablets to treat anemia

Prescribing creams containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or lanolin for nail repair

toenail infection

One of the annoying and painful complications is toenail infection, which is caused by a weak immune system, lack of care, and improper nail trimming.

Undoubtedly, knowing the factors that cause toenail infection will help the treatment process. It is possible that a toenail infection appears due to the proliferation of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

In addition, one of the effective factors in the occurrence of toenail infection is the improper growth of the nail inside the skin. Indentation of the nail in the flesh of the toe is formed when the corners of the nail next to it grow towards the skin. This complication causes pain in the form of inflammation.

Nail fungus is known as onychomycosis. Nail fungus is a widespread disease that appears as a yellow or white spot on the underside of the toenail. To the extent that the fungal infection becomes deeper, we will face a change in color, destruction of the edges of the nail and greater thickness.

In fact, during skin cuts and nail cracks, the ground is provided for the penetration of infection inside the toenail. If left untreated, toenail fungus can cause permanent damage to a person’s nails. It is better to know that toenail infection is a common phenomenon that is seen in abundance in people with diabetes and a weak immune system.

In people with diabetes and people with a weak immune system, due to the use of special drugs, there is a possibility that the infection will spread from the toenails and enter different parts of the body.

In fact, diabetes causes a decrease in nerve support in the foot and interferes with blood circulation. Therefore, a person is always exposed to bacterial skin infection or cellulitis.

Therefore, if you are diagnosed with a toenail infection, see a doctor as soon as possible.

Factors involved in the formation of toenail infection

Various fungal organisms in the body cause toenail infection. One of the fungi involved in the formation of infection is called Dermatophyte.

Along with fungi, yeasts, molds and molds are able to multiply and cause infection in toenails.

The occurrence of toenail infection increases during weakness in the body’s immune system and weakness in blood circulation to the lower parts of the body.

It is better to know that foot infection cannot be spread from one person to another.

One of the factors that causes the nail to sink into the flesh of the finger is doing sports activities that repeatedly put pressure on the foot. Sports such as football, ballet and kickboxing increase the possibility of ingrown toenails.

Ways to prevent toenail infection

One of the ways to prevent toenail infection is to change socks early. Anti-sweat and absorbent socks also play a significant role in reducing foot infections.

The best way to keep your toenails healthy is to wash your hands and feet regularly. Note that you should use moisturizing creams after washing.

Cut nails with nail clippers at regular intervals. Then at the end, disinfect the nail clipper with detergent.

Using the right shoes also plays a significant role in reducing toenail infections.

The most suitable shoes for toenail health are shoes made of breathable leather.

Undoubtedly, using old shoes with the accumulation of bacteria causes infection. Therefore, avoid wearing old shoes and, if necessary, clean the inside of the shoes with disinfectants or antifungal powders before wearing them.

Avoid using nail polish and sticking artificial nails.

  Do not walk barefoot in wet and public places.

  In pedicure and manicure salons, pay attention to the disinfection of usable tools.

Black toenails

Toenails are naturally white. But sometimes due to frequent use of nail polish, nutritional deficiencies, infection or trauma, color changes occur in them. There are various reasons that cause black toenails.

Of course, some of these darkness’s will be resolved by themselves. But if the blackness of the toenails does not improve, you should see a doctor to follow up on the more serious causes that caused this blackness, especially that it is not possible to damage the toenails through chewing, etc. Therefore, its treatment should be taken seriously.

Black toenails may be caused by the following:

Underlying disease

This underlying disease can include anemia, diabetes, heart disease, or kidney disease.

Fungal infections

However, fungal infections often appear white or yellow. But due to the accumulation of their remains, the toenail may turn black. Because toenails are vulnerable to fungal infections. Due to the fact that mushrooms grow in humid and warm environments. Therefore, the feet are the best place for them to grow.


Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer that often appears as a dark brown, misshapen spot. Such stains can be created under the nail plate.


A toenail injury is usually caused by an injury. This injury can cause blood vessels under the nail to rupture. The resulting bleeding under the nail appears black.

When should you see a doctor for black toenails?

Blackened toenails do not need to see a specialist doctor. If this complication requires medical treatment, it depends on the primary cause of its development. Knowing this reason can help you in this decision.

On the other hand, if you do not know the cause of your black toenail, but you guess that your black fingernail is a sign of a serious disease, it is better to see a doctor.

Not all cases of toenail fungus require a doctor’s visit. However, if you have diabetes, you should see your doctor to treat black toenails.

A dermatologist can also help diagnose and treat blackened toenails. If you suspect melanoma, you should see a dermatologist. However, if your black toenails are caused by another underlying health issue, such as diabetes, you should see your doctor to treat the cause.

In general, we can say that any black fingernail or toe that does not go away on its own should be examined by a doctor to be sure.

Does black toenail have complications?

If left untreated, toenail fungus can spread to the entire foot and other parts of the body. These fungi can also cause permanent damage to the nail. Therefore, they should be taken seriously.

The reason for nail brittleness

Nails, like the skin, are one of the external parts of the body, and as a result, care must be taken to take care of them. Nails are exposed to external and environmental factors and may be affected by various factors such as heat, pressure, color, chemicals, etc. This can affect their health. One of the problems caused by nails is their breakage. Brittle nails have several reasons, among which the following can be mentioned:

1. nail moisture

One of the reasons for this problem is the moisture of the nails. High humidity makes the nails brittle and as a result easily break, bend and also easily separate from the finger tissue. High humidity is one of the main reasons for brittle nails.

2. Nail biting

Other reasons for brittle nails include picking or chewing them. In fact, nail biting, in addition to damaging its texture, also causes the nail to become wet. Therefore, two nail fragility factors simultaneously affect the nail.

3. injury

Injuries and wounds on the surface of nails and fingers cause them to break. These factors can cause cracks, holes, or wear on the surface of the nail and eventually make them brittle.

4. Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases that affect nails can become one of the reasons for brittle nails. Bacteria, fungi and germs grow and multiply on the nail surface, they can damage the health of the nails and eventually cause them to become brittle.

5. Psoriasis disease

One of the most common causes of brittle nails is psoriasis. This disease causes the nails to be crushed, broken, torn and multi-branched. In addition to affecting the nail surface, this type of disease also damages the skin.

6. Thyroid disease

Thinning as well as dry and brittle nails can be related to hypothyroidism and other thyroid problems. If your nails are constantly cracked and this crack goes to the nail bed, it is better to see a doctor and evaluate your thyroid health.

7. Kidney disease

Kidney diseases can cause weakness of nails and consequently their fragility. This complication, which is caused by a decrease in blood albumin, is mostly related to kidney failure. To treat this problem, doctors recommend moisturizing your skin and nails with a moisturizing cream after each hand wash.

8. Skin Cancer

One of the signs of skin cancer is a change in the thickness of the nails. If the thickness of the nails decreases, the nail becomes soft and brittle.

Nail pain

Healthy nails are shiny and pink and should not feel uncomfortable. Some causes of nail pain resolve on their own, while others require treatment.

Nail infection (paronychia)

One of the common causes of nail pain is nail infection. In addition to pain, a nail infection causes swelling and redness of the finger, especially around the cuticle. A nail infection may also cause the nail to thicken and discharge pus from around the nail.

Fungal nail infection

When a fungus gets under or around the nail, a fungal nail infection occurs. Fungal infections, including yeasts and molds, can affect the nails. In addition to causing pain, the fungus causes the nails to turn yellow or white. Other symptoms of a fungal nail infection include thickening of the nail, crumbling, splitting, and separation from the skin. If left untreated, fungal nail infection can spread to other nails and the skin of the human body and in rare cases cause permanent damage to the nail bed.

Indented nail

Indented nails cause the sides of the nail to curve into the skin. This painful condition can occur when the nails are not trimmed properly, after an injury to the nail, or when a person wears shoes that are too tall or tight. Of all the nails, the big toe seems to be most likely to be at risk.

Symptoms of ingrown toenails include: swelling, tenderness, pain, redness, infection (if not treated) and the feeling of nail indentation. Ingrown toenails are not actually nails, but pieces of skin that break the edge of your nail. Ingrown toenails are a common type of painful nail condition that has a variety of causes, including nail biting, dry skin, irritating soaps, and cold temperatures. Nails may bleed. It’s important not to rip the nails, as doing so puts you at risk of infection.

Physical injury

While nails are strong, they can be damaged when something heavy falls on them or gets caught between a door. These injuries are usually painful because there are many nerves under and around the nails. Sometimes, physical damage to the nail causes bruising or it may fall off before the nail grows back. A bruised nail may become tender as it heals.

Nail biting

Nail biting can make the fingertips red and painful and cause bleeding. Additionally, nail biting (which involves biting the skin around the nail) increases the risk of nail infection. Quitting nail biting is usually enough to stop the painful symptoms caused by it.

Nail deformity

Some nail abnormalities are genetic and some are caused by disease, others are caused by external factors such as inappropriate shoes or nail biting. Normal clipping or pressing of the cuticles can also cause the deformity. Some of them, like ingrown toenails, can cause pain.

Pain by location

The location of your nail pain can sometimes provide insight into its cause.

Pain on the side or corner of the nail may be caused by: corns (especially when near the big toe), nail biting, in growing nails, nail injuries, infection, and deformity.

When your pain is in the nail bed, it is often caused by: infection, nail fungus, nail deformity, and physical injury.

Cuticle pain can be caused by: nail biting, corns, physical injury, infection, nail fungus, and nail deformity.

Cause of nail growth stop

All the organs of the body need several factors to grow. One of these organs is the nails, which cannot be neglected. Taking care of the nails is a natural thing, because the nails are considered a beautiful part of the human body. There are changes in the size of the thickness of the nails, but it must grow. If you are one of those people who have stopped or slowed down the growth of your nails, it is better to continue this article. Many factors can play a role in the growth and stopping of nails. Nails need various vitamins and minerals for optimal growth, each of which can be obtained through food and medicine. The normal growth of nails will be about 3 to 4 mm per month, and this happens more in hand nails, i.e. hand nails. They grow more than toenails, in conditions less than this, their growth is slow.

 Stopping nail growth:

The effect of anemia and improper nutrition on nail growth

One of the causes of nail growth is anemia. Meat, especially red meat, is rich in iron. Of course, white meat also contains protein and iron, but it is found more in red meat. If your child is interested in eating Meat does not show. Change the cooking method or replace it with white meats such as chicken or seafood. Legumes and eggs are also rich in protein and iron, but they are not absorbed by the body as much as meat. Calcium deficiency slows down the growth of nails. Calcium, zinc and phosphorus received in sufficient amount from dairy products, legumes and meat.

Lack of nail care

Factors such as constant use of nail polish can reduce the growth of nails, as well as strong abrasives to remove nail polish, not using a file to care for nails and prevent nails from becoming brittle can cause nails to become brittle, some children until adulthood. They also do not get rid of the habit of nail biting. Nail biting makes the sharp tips of the nails slow down and they do not grow well. Even the saliva of the mouth will cause the nails to peel and create fungi around the nails.

Genetics can affect nail growth

The shape and growth of nails can have a genetic basis. Some nails that grow or stop may be due to genetic factors, of course, one of the reasons for stopping nail growth is genetics.

Inappropriate shoes

Using narrow shoes or high heels puts a lot of pressure on the fingers and nails, which affects the growth of the nails

Decreased nail growth due to decreased body oil

The lack of healthy and useful oils in the body can cause the nails to not grow optimally. To compensate for this, it is necessary to use oils such as olive and sesame. Detergents cause brittleness and destroy the fat of the skin and nails. Use gloves when washing dishes. and massage your hands with glycerin oil or nail protective packs after taking a bath or washing dishes or hands

How do nails change with age?

Nails indicate the health of the body. Diseases, internal body processes, nutritional deficiencies, or prolonged contact with chemicals or ultraviolet light cause changes in the nails. Age also causes changes in the nails, which include changes in the rate of growth, texture, thickness, and shape, and nail color.

Nail growth rate

The rate of nail growth per month decreases with age. On average, fingernails grow about 3 mm and toe nails only 1 mm per month. At the beginning of the age of 25, the rate of nail growth is about half. The percentage decreases per year. Therefore, at the age of 85, fingernails may grow only 2 mm per month.

Nail texture

As we age, nails may become brittle. Excessive hand washing and drying, exposure to harsh cleaning agents, removing the skin around the nails, and polishing nails can worsen nail brittleness. Problems such as anemia, hardening of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) and hormonal problems can cause brittle nails. If you notice a change in the texture of your nails, see a dermatologist.

Fungal infections

Nails become thicker with age. Skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema can also cause nails to thicken. Fungal infections that cause the deformity of nails and are more common in the elderly can also cause thickening. and change the color of the nail. The nails of the toes are more vulnerable, because the shoes provide a warm and humid environment for the growth of skin fungi.

Male gender, smoking, suffering from certain diseases such as diabetes and immune system defects can make people prone to fungal nail infections. The pressure of tight shoes or foot deformity can cause the nail to sink into the flesh. The way to treat the infection Nail fungus includes the use of oral or topical antifungal medications. The type of medication you take depends on the severity of the infection and the medications you are taking, so it is better to treat fungal nail infection with the doctor’s order.

Nail shape

If the shape of the nail changes and becomes round, it can indicate a lack of oxygen. The roundness of the nail can occur in a variety of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, endocrine diseases, or diseases related to the digestive system.

The pressure of tight shoes or the deformity of the foot can cause the nail to sink into the flesh. This ingrown toenail is common among young people, but it also occurs in older people and causes significant pain and difficulty walking. Treatment for ingrown toenails is simple and involves soaking the foot with small pieces of cotton. Get the ingrown toenail out. A little surgery to get the nail out of the skin is very helpful to prevent ingrown toenails in the future.

 Nail color

With age, nails may become lighter and turn into the following colors: pale yellow, gray, pale, or cloudy. Fungal infection also changes the color of nails. One type of discoloration includes dark lines and or bumps along the length of the nail. People who have darker skin, with age, this type of color change occurs in their nails.

In some cases, dark nail lines can be a sign of a dangerous disease, such as melanoma, which is the most malignant skin cancer. In Bowen’s disease, which is a type of skin cancer, sometimes a black band appears on the fingernail. As a result of damage to the nail, bleeding or bruising may occur under the nail and cause a black band on the nail. This black bar will disappear by itself.