Toxic chemicals

You should know that there are three toxic chemicals and unfortunately these substances can penetrate into the body as well.

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and absorbs almost anything that comes in contact with it. The “cuticle” that surrounds the nails is soft on other parts of the skin, and the solvents in nail polishes are designed to increase the amount of absorption by the nails. Therefore, nail polish can stay on the nails for a long time and the possibility of harmful substances penetrating the body increases.


The US Environmental Protection Agency has classified formaldehyde as a potential carcinogen for humans. According to laboratory and human studies, formaldehyde may cause leukemia (leukemia), especially acute myeloid leukemia in humans. Acute myeloid leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow. In one study, mice experienced symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s disease when exposed to formaldehyde daily for a week.


Toluene is one of the most widely inhaled drugs. This chemical is also present in adhesives and paints, and poisoning with it can cause rhabdomyolysis. In this disease, muscle fibers are destroyed and their waste products enter the bloodstream; This is in a situation where the kidneys can not work fast enough to destroy them. As a result, a person may develop kidney disease or kidney failure.


Trifenyl phosphate

“Trifenyl phosphate” (TPHP) Several studies have shown that this chemical is a secret stimulant for obesity. Triphenyl phosphate prevents undifferentiated cells from turning into bone cells and converts them into fat cells. In a study at Duke University, researchers found that triphenyl phosphate in nail polish was absorbed directly from the nail. It can also enter the body through the air it breathes.

Peeling around the nails

It happens to all of us that we face the problem of peeling around the nails. Some people wait for the nail clipper to be available and patiently remove the excess skin, and another group peels off the skin and causes skin sores around their nails, but what causes the skin to peel around and around the nail, and what is the correct solution? Then join us to give you a complete explanation of shaving the skin on the side of the nail or the so-called beard nail.

Dry skin is the most important cause of flaking around the nails

In most cases, dry skin is the most important cause of shaving around the nails. Dry skin is more common in winter and for those whose hands have been in the water for a long time. Soaps or cosmetics can also cause more dry skin. Dry skin can also cause problems such as itching, scratching, redness or graying of the skin. To prevent more dry skin, it is better to use liquid and cream soaps to wash your hands. Excessive hand washing with soap removes fat from the skin surface and the soap absorbs the sensitive layers around the nails.

It is better to use a soft towel instead of drying your hands with a paper towel. Do not wash your hands with hot water and do not use soaps, cosmetics or detergents containing skin irritants. These include antibacterial fragrances, preservative ointments such as formaldehyde, isothiazolinone and cocamidopropyl betaine. When buying these materials, choose the model for sensitive skin and read the ingredients carefully.

Sunburn is a skin inflammation that occurs due to prolonged exposure to the sun or ultraviolet light. This problem does not appear immediately. When the pain and redness start, the skin is actually already damaged. 6 to 48 hours after the burn, the most pain is felt. It is interesting to note that sunburn can be as dangerous as burning with heat.

 The main causes of sunburn are:

Sun exposure between peak hours (10 am to 4 pm),

Light skin,

Certain medications, such as antibiotics

Some cosmetics

Using tanning techniques

After a few days, scaling from sunburn begins. This problem can last for days or even weeks. The best way to prevent it is to use sunscreen. There are several products available to treat burns,

The problem of peeling around the nails is most often caused by dry skin.

Kidney problems and the effect of nail scaling

Kidney disease can be another cause of nail problems and scaling around the nails. Of course, nail problems are just one of the symptoms of kidney disease. People with anemia suffer from iron deficiency and hemoglobin deficiency. Lack of hemoglobin in the body reduces blood oxygen. In these patients, peeling around the nails is observed.

Falling the nails

Nail care, especially toenails, is very important, for example, to keep them clean constantly, but with regular care, you may still have problems in this area. Falling toenails is one of those problems that can make you feel embarrassed.

In medical science, this problem is called onycholysis, which is a painful phenomenon, and when your toenails fall out, you have to wait for them to start growing again in the same place, and if a piece of nail still remains, you have to be careful and Handle it very carefully.

Falling toenails

Symptoms of toenail fallout are similar to fungal infections, which include:

Fall line


Unusual shape of nails

 Yellow or brown nails

Plaster structure under the nail


 Redness or swelling of the tissue around the nail

 Sharpening the edges of the nails

 Loose nails

 Uncommon causes of toenails falling out:

Although these causes are not common, factors such as anemia, thyroid problems or medications can cause toenails to fall out.

Toenail care is one of the most important care in a person’s life, although after toenail care, we must treat it with excessive care so that the situation does not get worse, which is a little painful. When your toenails fall out, you have to wait for them to start growing slowly. Depending on the cause and the extent of the nail fall, the nail may still be present on the foot in any amount, but you should start treatment for it to make sure that the nail continues to grow again.

Falling toenails

There are several causes for toenails to fall out, and its exact cause should be examined for its symptoms.


Simple foot injuries can cause problems such as falling nails. Damaged toenails make it feel heavy and stiff. Sometimes the wrong pedicure techniques also cause these problems, which is a common cause of toenails falling out. There is also a situation in which athletes’ nails fall out due to heavy jumps or runs, and some studies also show that blood blisters can also cause the nail to blacken and eventually separate, and when the blood follows Your nails will shrink, your toes will begin to separate, and as a result it will take several weeks for the nail to completely separate.

Fungal and bacterial infections

As we said, this disease is very similar to a fungal infection, but this infection can also be the cause. These infections carry bacteria, fungi, germs and viruses under your nails, and as a result, they penetrate the tissue and damage the nails. Bacterial infections usually turn the nails green, and older people are more likely to lose their nails if they get them.


Another condition that causes a person to lose one or two toenails or develop eczema is a condition caused by allergic reactions. Some people suffer from dermatitis which causes the loss of fingernails, toenails and even brittle nails. Few studies have shown that prolonged exposure to soap and harsh chemicals or excessive exposure of the nail to water can be one of the causes of nail damage, which sometimes causes symptoms of eczema before it appears. The skin occurs on the nails.


When the nails are exposed to too much moisture, they become weak and loose and eventually fall out, for example, if a person puts his foot in the water for a long time, he is more likely to fall and a combination of Moisture, pressure and damage inside the shoe can also possibly increase the risk of psoriasis.


The underlying cause of onychomycosis is not yet fully understood, and it has symptoms similar to those of immune system disease or any side effects of the drug. In this disease, the toe area in the area attached to the nail is damaged and its tissue also deforms its nail shape, so the nail will not last long on your toe.


Psoriasis is also an autoimmune condition in which skin cells continue to build up, although this is more common for the skin but can also affect toenails.

What should we do after the nail falls?

Apart from what caused your nails to fall out, in this section we will explain short and quick solutions for you:

 If one part of your nail is pulled out, do not try to do it all.

 If there is still very little connection between your nails and the skin, use a nail clipper and carefully separate this part so that it does not get stuck anywhere, and the doctor can do this for you in these cases.

 Use a nail file to smooth the edges after peeling.

 Clean your toenails and remove impurities from it, then apply an antibiotic ointment.

 Then bandage the fallen nail.

Do this treatment quickly so that any bleeding in it will go away quickly.

What disease do grooved nails indicate?

 Wrinkled nails are a problem that not only tarnishes your beauty, but can also signal a serious illness.

Medically, the appearance of your nails reflects the internal state of your body. Stress, kidney disease, diabetes, thyroid and even having an unhealthy diet can make a big difference in the appearance of your nails. One of these changes is to create grooves on the nails.

In this article, I and the diet intend to examine the causes, symptoms and treatment of nail creasing disease, so stay tuned.

How are grooved nails formed?

Nails are generally made of living skin cells on the fingers. Therefore, any problem that occurs on the skin of the hand also has a direct impact on the health of the nails, such as skin eczema and dryness. On the other hand, in the absence of vitamins, minerals and some important nutrients, the appearance of nails changes to a grooved state. These include protein, calcium, zinc and vitamin A.

Therefore, using a proper diet plan to have beautiful nails will help you a lot.

Vertical groove

The vertical grooves from the tip of the nail continue to the point where it begins to grow, called the cuticle. These grooves are often known as longitudinal lines. The presence of this type of groove is somewhat normal and depending on the type and sex of the nail is present in some people and only in some special cases that are seen with other complications, it is a sign of disease.

On the other hand, as people get older, these vertical grooves appear due to the slow process of regeneration of new cells. Because when the nails are regenerated, new cells go under the dead cell and grooves are seen on the surface of the nail until the repair process is complete. In some cases, anemia even causes these types of grooves on the nails. Now, if there are cases such as discoloration, thinning of the nails and breakage along with the grooves, it will indicate unfavorable conditions in the body.

Horizontal groove

Deep horizontal grooves are commonly known as bio lines in medical science. The presence of these types of lines indicates a serious disease in the body. Horizontal grooves prevent the growth of nails and create dangerous conditions. One of the symptoms of serious kidney disease and malnutrition appears in this type of nail. When deep horizontal grooves appear in every 20 fingers, it indicates that the person has diabetes, thyroid, syphilis and mumps. Of course, most people who have chemotherapy also have experience with this type of nail.

The important point here is the presence of red or brown spots under these grooves. If the nail is damaged, it is normal to create these types of spots, but if there is no impact, these colored spots can indicate more serious diseases such as endocarditis or inflammation inside the heart and melanoma.

How can groove nails be treated?

If there is any change in the appearance of the nails, especially their groove grooves and the presence of spots or side changes, be sure to see a doctor. In these cases, a test can detect the possibility of diseases and prevent their progression. In principle, the treatment of the nail groove depends on the type of disease that the person has. Therefore, with timely diagnosis, nails and ultimately the health of the body can be guaranteed. It should be noted that arbitrary treatment and the use of drugs without a doctor’s approval can have irreparable consequences for you.

Along with everything related to the doctor and diagnosis, having a healthy diet helps to have a healthy body and beautiful and natural nails. This is because some people do not get the vitamins and nutrients they need because they do not have the right diet. Hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, anemia, calcium deficiency and thousands of other conditions can cause the nails to look bad, but by following a proper diet with the body’s physics, these substances reach the body properly.

How important is nail care?

Taking care of anything helps to make it better. Just as skin care makes it fresh and beautiful, so does paying attention to your nails, which promotes health, better growth, and strength. These nail care items include the following.

Manicure and pedicure: Manicure refers to the care of fingernails and pedicure is said to pay attention to toenails. Both of these methods are performed in hairdressers and nail centers.

Scraping: After trimming, scrape the tips of the nails and shape them.

Lubrication: After scraping, it is time to lubricate the nails with special oil. The oil causes the nails to become soft.

Drinking water: Yes, you read that right! As you know, drinking water is important for the function of any part of the body. You should drink 8 glasses of water daily. Drinking water will prevent your nails from getting dry and they will always have their moisture.

Taking supplements: Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A and calcium can play an important role in the health of your nails. In addition to getting these vitamins through food, you should also plan to take supplements. Stress Management: Stress is a factor that subconsciously forces you to chew your nails. This will keep your nails short and badly shaped. The dangers of nail biting do not end there, and they bring with it other diseases. For example, when a person starts biting their nails, whether out of habit or under stress, it transmits many germs and bacteria that are on the hands and nails to the body through the mouth. So control your stress as much as possible so you do not have to chew your nails.

Fungal infection

As you grow older, your nails become brittle and dry. This causes the nails to break and more bacteria to enter the nails. This is why nail infections are more common in the elderly than in children, even if children spend more time outdoors in closed shoes and socks. Apart from nail aging, factors such as poor blood circulation and immune system and improper hand and foot maintenance exacerbate these infections and cause fungus.

However, there are other specific factors that can increase the risk of nail fungus. These include:

Severe sweating
People who sweat more or whose body sweat smells worse are at higher risk for nail infections. Because the hands and feet will be wet and hot due to excessive sweating, this will be an ideal environment for bacteria to grow.

Once a fungal infection occurs, it is likely to happen over and over again. Because bacteria multiply so rapidly, it is not possible to eradicate all bacteria from the body alone, so the only solution is to create conditions that allow the growth of bacteria below the dangerous level to be stopped and controlled.

Walking barefoot
Just as wearing closed boots increases the risk of fungal infections, walking barefoot can be just as dangerous. Especially in humid areas, such as swimming pools, beach huts, gyms and public toilets, where the conditions are right for bacteria to grow. Bacteria are transmitted from one host to another under such conditions.

Skin or nail damage
The damaged part of the nail or the skin around the nail is more likely to be attacked by bacteria. This process is called psoriasis. In psoriasis, skill cells divide rapidly to compensate for skin damage, and the rapid division of cells causes extra skin cells to form a hard, patchy coating on the skin. It is a chronic disease that often goes back and forth.

Poor health
Probably the most common cause of recurrent infections of the fingers and toes is poor hygiene. Washing feet and hands helps to remove impurities and bacteria accumulated on the skin during the day. Even when our skin feels dry and clean, these bacteria may still be present and grow well and cause infection once they reach the desired conditions. It is also recommended to use antibacterial soap twice a day to wash your hands and feet.

Nail fungus treatments vary from type to stage of infection and severity. It is important to understand that toenail fungus can be a painful infection. Once infected, the patient takes weeks to fully recover. The main reason for this is how seriously people take the treatment plan and unfortunately they can go back to unhealthy behaviors and habits and make the situation worse. People who suffer from toenail fungus often claim that they have been taking medication as prescribed for weeks but the infection does not seem to go away. The most common treatments, along with some home remedies, are listed below

Antifungal cream
Creams are often prescribed for fungal infections. This is almost a fundamental part of the treatment. The purpose of these worms is to form a protective layer on the fungal infection that can cause microbes and soil particles to accumulate and stick to the infected area. This reduces the chance of the infection getting worse, and for the nail area your doctor may even recommend antifungal nail polish.
Essential oils are packaged with antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant agents. All of these properties are ideal for killing bacteria and reducing their infections. To treat infection with essential oils, it is important that the oils be 100% organic. Some of the essential oils that are known to treat fungal infections include eucalyptus, oregano and tea tree essential oils. Just apply a small amount of cotton to the infected area every day.

Nail extension

Many women use “artificial nails” when they want to look prettier or when they cannot lift their nails. Artificial nails are not harmful in themselves, but their placement and removal are done with the use of harmful acids and chemicals, which sometimes cause allergic reactions. Damage to artificial nails can also lead to fungal infections and other problems.

Types of artificial nails
Artificial nails are divided into two main types: acrylic and gel. The third type is silk and is often used to repair damaged nails or to strengthen artificial nails.

Acrylic nails
These plastic nails are the most popular choice. To prepare these nails, they create a powder with a mixed liquid and a hard shell on the nails.
Since real nails are always growing, eventually there will be a small gap between the cuticle and the acrylic nail. As a result, you should go to the salon every 2-3 weeks to repair the gaps or do it yourself. The chemicals in fillers weaken your natural nails.
If you already have a fungal infection, using artificial nails can make the disease worse or may cause other problems.

Jelly nails
These nails are more expensive and durable than acrylic nails and can be varnished like natural nails. To dry the nail polish is placed under purple UV light to harden.
UV light increases the risk of skin damage, wrinkles and age spots. If this light shines too much, it increases the risk of skin cancer. But so far there have been no reports of skin cancer caused by exposure to UV lamps – even among manicurists who work with the lamp all day.

Possible problems after nail implantation
Artificial nails damage the original nails. We recommend that you consider the following complications before deciding to have a nail implant:

Allergic reaction: Chemicals used to attach or remove artificial nails cause skin irritation. You may notice redness, infection, or swelling around your nails.
Bacterial or fungal infections: If the artificial nail touches something firmly, it is possible for the original nail to come out of the bed and germs, yeasts or fungi will enter the gap over time. The sign of a bacterial infection is the greening of the nails. The sign of nail fungus is either white or yellow, after a while the nail becomes thick with the fungus and in severe cases may fall out. So if you suspect any infection, see your doctor.
Weakening of natural nails: To remove acrylic or gel nails, you need to put your fingers in the stone for 10 minutes or more. This chemical causes excessive drying of natural nails and causes skin irritations. Sometimes a scraper or special tool must be used to remove them. This will make your natural nails thin, brittle and weak.

What can be done?
If you like nail implants, these tips will help you maintain a better quality of your nails:
If you have nail fungus, avoid using artificial nails. Artificial nails are not a good way to cover nail problems.
Use nails that do not need to be scraped and removed using a solvent.
Ask your manicurist not to push the cuticle too far back or too short. The cuticle helps protect the skin against infection.
Choose a salon that uses LED bulbs to dry nail polish, these bulbs have less UV rays. Apply a UVA / UVB sunscreen to your hands before going under the light.
Apply a moisturizing cream to your nails, especially after dipping them in acetone.
Rest your nails once every two months and remove the artificial nails. By doing this, your real nails will be allowed to breathe and can repair themselves from the negative effects of chemicals.

Nail Trimming

What is the best way to trim your nails? Is nail scraping harmful or not? How to use manicure and pedicure tools? What points should be considered before and after manicure and pedicure? What should we pay attention to when taking children’s nails? What is the difference between the growth of fingernails and toenails?

How to trim your nails is very important. Some people use scissors to do this, but trimming nails with scissors is not possible for everyone and requires special skills. In this method, because the speed of cutting the nail plate is low, the risk of brittle and uneven nails is increased. These sharp points can sometimes cause facial skin cuts. It is better to use a suitable nail clipper to shorten the nails.

Familiarity with nail gripping tools

 Classic Nail Clippers: If you lived in the 1880s, you probably had one of these classic nail clippers and used it to trim your nails. Today, everyone you know has certainly had or used one of these nail clippers. But they are actually the worst kind of professional nail clippers, and the disadvantage is that these nail clippers slow down very quickly, which means that they eventually break the nails instead of cutting them, and this It is not good for the health of your nails. On the other hand, correct angling with these nail clippers is a bit difficult. On the other hand, this type of nail clippers can be found everywhere and it is very easy to work with them. If you want to buy this nail clipper, buy one that is made of pressed carbon or stainless steel.

Nail file: This is a very important item and tool to soften and style your nails. You can easily find all kinds of razors in pharmacies. Some types have a metal tip that can be used to clean under the nails.

A few tips on the health and beauty of nails A few tips on the health and beauty of nails

Clean and disinfect your nail clippers. Before you start, make sure your nail clippers are clean. Wash your nail clippers to remove unwanted dust and dirt. Having a personal nail clipper is recommended, but when you and another person or people use nail clippers together, disinfecting the nail clipper becomes more necessary before you start.

Wash your nails thoroughly. You can also clean your nails while showering or wash your hands and feet with antibacterial soaps. Dry them well with a towel to remove excess water. This step not only cleans your nails, but also helps them become softer and thus easier to trim.

4- Look for a place with good light. You need to get your nails done in a well-lit place and you can clearly see what you are doing.

When is the best time to trim your nails?

The best time to trim nails is after bathing because contact with hot water makes the nails soft and moist and ready to be trimmed with minimal pressure on the nail plate. The front of the nail should be crescent-shaped, but the corners should be smooth to prevent the nail from sinking into the flesh. This is especially true for toenails.

Damaged nails

Nail health is a sign of body health, and traditional medicine practitioners have known for a long time that damaged nails can be a sign of disease and discomfort in the body. Frequent use of nail polish, especially gel polishes and cleaning them with acetone, contact with chemicals and detergents, doing heavy work with nails, poor nail hygiene and poor nutrition are also factors that cause damage to nails.

In any case, damaged nails are a sign of imbalance and health in the body and a beauty problem that can cause discomfort and worry, and therefore you should act as soon as possible to fix it.

Use cuticle creams or oils

One of the most common causes of nail damage is the drying of the nail tissue and its surroundings, which must be eliminated by providing the required moisture and delivering useful and nutritious substances to it.

Cuticle oil or cream specifically designed for nail regeneration can relieve weak and dry nails and regenerate them.

Try a natural cuticle oil or cream with a natural base and rub it on your nails every night and massage it to absorb it.

Cuticle oil is suitable for damaged nails that contains shea butter or argan oil and nutritious vitamins to be able to treat inflammation of nail tissue and other common problems that may exist in this area and help restore nail tissue.

Olive oil is the best ingredient for repairing damaged nails

If you are familiar with the principles of skin and hair care, you must know that olive oil is a useful oil to moisturize the skin and hair and revitalize them.

This natural oil has a similar effect on the nails and for those who do not have access to cuticle oil, it can be the best and cheapest option that you can always access. Olive oil contains beneficial vitamins and minerals that, in addition to their moisturizing properties, strengthen your nails.

To take advantage of these, place your nails in a container containing olive oil for 10 to 15 minutes and repeat this every day. If you suffer from dry skin on your hands and feet, especially in winter, this effective substance can be a way to treat your problem.

Increase the amount of biotin in your diet

Your body needs a variety of nutrients to build nail tissue, such as vitamins, proteins, minerals, iron, and biotin, of which biotin plays a much more important role in creating nail tissue.

Biotin, or vitamin B7, is a water-soluble vitamin, also known as vitamin H, and plays an important role in the metabolism of amino acids and the function of other B vitamins.

You need to consume 30 micrograms of biotin daily, which is provided by the food you eat, but if your nails are weak and damaged, this amount of biotin will not be enough for you and you should compensate for the lack of biotin supplement pills prescribed by your doctor. Take advantage.

This vitamin not only strengthens and nourishes your nails, but also has a very positive effect on the skin and hair and the health of the whole body.

Use keratin treatment to repair damaged nails

You must have heard a lot about keratinizing hair. In this method, with the help of different materials, the hair texture becomes soft and smooth and their frizz is completely eliminated, and for this reason, it is a long-term and useful cosmetic method for those who have frizzy hair. But keratinization is not limited to hair and has recently been used to strengthen nail tissue.

In this method, the nails are strengthened and strengthened by using a special keratin substance that is available in the market. In addition to, keratin this substance contains plant extracts, oils and substances that your nails need, and by using them, their nails will become stronger, more resistant and healthier.

Massage your fingertips regularly

Hand massage is a very relaxing task that increases blood flow to the hands and strengthens the skin of the hands. If you have not done this before, it is better to add massage to your program every time you use lotion on your hands, and while applying the cream and lotion, massage your hands and fingertips so that the cream is well absorbed. .

Massaging the hands and fingertips increases blood flow to the skin and nail bed tissue, allowing nutrients to reach all and around the nail tissue better and more completely. By continuing to do this in the long run, you will see that your nails are stronger and healthier than before.

Public health depends on nail health

Your nails are a description of your general health. Changes in nail color or stunted growth can be a sign of an illness, malnutrition or high stress.

 Your nails are made of keratin

Part of general health depends on the health of the nails. Keratin is a protein made up of nail tissue cells. Keratin plays an important role in nail health. Keratin makes nails strong and resistant so they are not damaged.

 Keratin is what makes your hair

Keratin also makes up the cells of your hair. The cells of the main part of the glands and the inner membrane of the organs are also made of keratin.

The part of your nail that is visible

Nails begin to grow under the skin. As new cells grow, old, dead cells are pushed into the skin. The part of the nail that you can see is made up of dead cells, which is why nail trimming is painless.

The same dead nail tissue needs blood to grow and form the nail

There are tiny blood vessels called capillaries under the nail bed. Blood flow in the capillaries helps the nails grow and be pink.

Nails also make sense

Part of the general health depends on the health of the nails. The nails you see are dead and do not make sense, but there is a layer of skin under the nails called the dermis, which has sensory nerve endings. These nerves send a signal to the brain when pressure is applied to the nail.

Fingernails grow about 3.5 mm each month

Toenails also grow about 1.5 mm per month. Proper nutrition and care of your nails will affect the speed at which your nails grow.

 Nail growth is faster in the dead.

But hair growth is faster in women. Except during pregnancy when both the mother’s nails and hair grow faster than a man’s nails and hair.

The nails of the dominant hand grow faster

Part of general health depends on the health of your right-hand nails. You must have noticed that your right fingernails grow faster than your left fingernails, and vice versa. This may be because the dominant hand is more active.

Seasons affect nail growth

Nails grow faster in summer than in winter. Not much research has been done on the reason for this difference, but research on mice receiving cold air has prevented their nails from growing.

How much you use your hands affects the growth of your nails

Excessive use of hands can cause your nails to move more, such as using a keyboard. This increases blood flow to the hands and stimulates nail growth.

 Nail color can change according to health status

Part of general health depends on nail health. About 10% of all skin diseases are related to nails. Yellow, brown or green nails usually indicate a fungal infection. In some cases, yellow nails are a sign of thyroid disease, psoriasis or diabetes.

 White spots on the nails are not a sign of calcium deficiency

White spots on the nails are usually caused by damage to the nails, for example by chewing them. These spots are generally harmless and will go away as the nail grows.

Stress affects your nails

Stress can cause nails to grow more slowly or even stop growing. When they start growing again, you will probably see horizontal lines on your nails. These lines are also harmless and disappear with the growth of nails.

Nail biting is the most common symptom of anxiety

Nail biting, also called onychophagia, usually does not cause long-term damage. But it can increase the risk of getting the disease because germs enter the mouth. Damage to the skin around the nails can also lead to infection.

You really need to let your nails breathe

Part of general health depends on the health of the nails. To keep your nails healthy, leave them for a while without nail polish or artificial nails. Using such things and removing them can damage the nails, so sometimes let them breathe and rest to repair themselves.

The thickness of your nails can have a genetic cause

Nail growth and other factors depend in part on the genes you inherit. Other factors include your age and health status.

The delicate silver skin cuticle at the base of your nails protects the new nail from germs. You should not remove the cuticles, as this will remove an important defense barrier against infection.

A nutritious and balanced diet that is high in minerals and vitamins can help with a wide range of health issues, including strengthening nails.

If a person does not get the minerals and vitamins their body needs through their diet, it can replace a multivitamin. However, it is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking any multivitamin to ensure that they do not interfere with the medications you are taking.

Nail disease that needs to be addressed

Hands and fingernails are an oppressed organ in our body that often do not have the opportunity to be treated. So that we are insignificant in the face of many nail problems and pass by it easily. Unaware that even the smallest problem in our opinion, the most acute problem in the body.

 Healthy and shiny nails are a sign of good health. Smooth, one-color, long nails on the hands indicate that they are healthy. With age, lines may form on the nails and the nails may become more brittle or blemishes on the nails. Some people go for nail implants to prevent permanent breakage of nails and also to have beautiful nails, and with different nail implant designs, they seek to beautify their nails and hide their nail defects.

Nail structure

As you know, nails are made of a protein called keratin and this protein is also found in the structure of the skin and hair. But nails are made of hard keratin, which is similar to animal horns. Under the nail, there is a soft tissue containing delicate blood vessels, which causes the nail shell to turn pink.

Nails grow about 3 to 4 millimeters per month, and this growth is less in toenails, so they grow 40% slower than fingernails. It is interesting to know that nails grow faster in hot weather and slower in cold weather.

Now some conditions may affect the appearance and growth of your nails and cause nail problems.

Some of the problems and diseases of nails are:

 Color change (dark streaks, white streaks or discoloration of the nail surface)

 Changes in the shape of the nails

 Changes in nail thickness

 Nail fragility

 Nail piercing

 Bleeding around the nails

 Swelling or redness around the nails

 Pain in the nails

 The scales around the nails

 Nail separation

Lines on the nails

Lines on the nails can have different causes. These lines include vertical and horizontal lines. Reasons for these lines include:



 Diseases that cause high fever such as: measles, mumps

 Vascular diseases


 Uncontrolled diabetes

 Zinc deficiency


 Rheumatoid arthritis

 Acute renal failure

How can we take care of our nails?

Nail diseases can be prevented by taking care of your nails. To keep your nails healthy, just do the following:

 Do not touch the nails.

 Always use a nail clipper and arrange it after a bath where the nails are soft.

 Keep your nails dry and clean.

 If you have brittle and weak nails, always keep them short to prevent them from breaking.

 Use lotion and strengthener on the nails.

 Wear gloves while working

 Avoid over-cleaning under the nails

 Avoid chewing nails

 Avoid smoking

 Take skin symptoms and eczema seriously.

 Use a personal towel to prevent nail infection.