Bleeding under the nail

A subungual hematoma occurs when blood collects under the nail. It usually happens due to crushing injuries, such as dropping something heavy on the leg or hitting a finger on a car door. It can cause severe pain and purple, black and white discoloration under the nail. Some cases can be treated at home, but if it is very painful or due to significant damage, you should see a doctor. Quick treatment helps prevent complications such as infection, permanent nail loss, or deformity.

How does a doctor diagnose a hematoma under the nail?

The doctor will examine the area and take X-rays, and the nail may need to be pulled.

Treatment of hematoma under the nail

The treatment of subungual hematoma may include: ice, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotic ointment and dressing, draining the hematoma through a small hole with a hot wire (cauter) or penetration into the nail, splint and plaster of the toe nail after draining. Nail or pulling and stitching the nail, if a bone under the nail is broken, antibiotics for infection; be

When to see a doctor?

If you experience pain or a hematoma that covers a quarter or more of the surface under the nail, see your doctor or the emergency department of a hospital.

Hematoma under the nail

You are most likely to experience dark purple discoloration under the nail and pain from blood pressure trapped between the nail and the nail bed. If the pain is mild and a small part of the nail bed is discolored, you can relieve symptoms with ice, elevation of the limb, and anti-inflammatory medications. If you are in severe pain and the blood covers most of the area under the nail, the doctor will drain it through a small hole in the nail. This usually relieves the pain quickly and painlessly. The nail may fall off after a few weeks. If the subungual hematoma covers half or more of the nail, nail extraction and stitches may be needed to help a new nail grow. The nail should grow within 6 to 12 weeks. If a bone is also broken in the arm or leg during the injury, the doctor may prescribe a splint and antibiotics.

If the subungual hematoma covers more than half of the nail, it is possible that you have broken a bone.