Taking Care of Your Acrylics

For those of us who dream of long nails, but are unable to grow and maintain them for various reasons, acrylics are our holy grail. They’re stunning, can come in many different shapes and sizes, and the best part is that they last a really long time. However, like with all things, in order to keep them a long time, they need to be tended to. Here are 3 ways that you can keep your acrylics looking beautiful and healthy for the weeks to come.


Because acrylics are placed on top of your nail, they also grow with your nail and a gap can be created between the bottom of the acrylic and your natural nail bed. This can cause it to not only look a little funny, but it also makes it a lot easier for the acrylic to become damaged or to break off. By keeping up with 2 week appointments, your nail technician can fill in the gaps and keep your nails looking fresh.


Acrylics are an investment of their own, so why not splurge a little bit? Most nail salons that you go to will have standard nail polish, but we recommend going for the gel polish to put on top of your acrylics. Not only does it apply better, but it will last longer too. If not already offered, make sure you get the top coat applied as well for even shinier and longer lasting color.


Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize! Keeping your hands soft is one thing, but the moisture will also help to keep your nails strong. It also prevents hangnails which a bonus. Apply nail oil to your cuticles as well for added softness.

Don’t forget! Plei Nail Strengthener can also be used with acrylics  so be sure to pick up a bottle before you go for your next appointment to the nail salon!