Scaling of nails
Scaling of nails or ( Onychoschiza ) is a problem that can happen to any person; But its severity and weakness depends on the condition of the patient and the cause of this problem. But what is important is that most of us do not know what the cause of this problem is and what should be done for nail peeling.
What are the symptoms of peeling nails?
Scaling of nails may have different symptoms for each person and occur in different forms. But you should know that most of the people with this disease get badly shaped nails and witness their peeling. This problem may be accompanied by the following symptoms:
Create a horizontal crack in the nail
Elevation of the top layer of the nail and its thinning
Dryness and crusting around the nail
Yellowing of nails
Creating a bump on the nail
What is the cause of peeling nail skin?
Many reasons may cause peeling nails; Some of them can be solved without medication, and for the treatment of some of them, you have to go to a specialist. These reasons are many, but we introduce the most important ones below:
The cause of peeling nails
Injury to the nail or damage due to contact with chemicals
Finger sucking habit in children
Kidney Diseases
Lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Kawasaki syndrome in children
Excessive contact with moisture and detergents
Skin dryness
Skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis
Deficiency of some vitamins
When should we see a doctor?
In general, you should see a doctor when the peeling of the nail is accompanied by the following symptoms.
Weight Loss
Inflamed skin
Excessive thirst
Night sweat
Heart beat
Symptoms of depression
First of all, you should know that in order to treat scaling around the nails, you should first visit a dermatologist and beauty doctor to check all your symptoms based on his expertise and find out the root cause of this problem by recommending various tests.
If you want to know about nail peeling treatment methods, we must say that any doctor may recommend one of these methods based on the type of disease, symptoms and your physical condition.
Recognizing the underlying disease that caused this problem and recommending to refer to appropriate specialist doctors for its treatment
Use of antifungal creams and pills
Prescribing antihistamine tablets to eliminate the allergic background of the disease
Prescribing creams containing corticosteroids to treat peeling nails due to eczema and psoriasis
Prescribing suitable moisturizing lotions and creams to treat dry skin
Prescription of strengthening tablets to eliminate the lack of vitamins
Prescribing iron tablets to treat anemia
Prescribing creams containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or lanolin for nail repair