Different Kinds of Nail Problems

Nail problems can be more than just a cosmetic concern; they often indicate underlying health issues or improper nail care.

1. Fungal Infections (Onychomycosis)


Caused by various fungi, including dermatophytes, yeast, and molds.

Common in warm, moist environments, such as swimming pools and locker rooms.


Discoloration (yellow, brown, or white spots under the nail).

Thickened, brittle, or crumbly nails.

Distorted nail shape.

Foul odor.


Antifungal medications (topical and oral).

Laser therapy.

Proper hygiene and keeping nails dry.

In severe cases, surgical removal of the affected nail.

2. Ingrown Toenails (Onychocryptosis)


Improper nail trimming (cutting nails too short or not straight across).

Wearing tight shoes.

Injury to the nail.


Pain and tenderness along the sides of the nail.

Redness and swelling.

Infection in severe cases.


Soaking the foot in warm water to reduce swelling.

Wearing comfortable shoes.

Gently lifting the nail and placing cotton or dental floss under it.

In severe cases, partial or complete nail removal by a healthcare professional.

3. Nail Psoriasis


A common condition associated with psoriasis, an autoimmune disease.

Genetic and environmental factors contribute to its development.


Pitting or small dents in the nails.

Discoloration (yellow-red spots, often called “oil drops”).

Thickened skin under the nail (subungual hyperkeratosis).

Crumbling or splitting nails.


Topical treatments (steroids, vitamin D analogs).

Systemic treatments for psoriasis (biologics, methotrexate).


Moisturizing and protecting nails.

4. Paronychia


Infection of the skin around the nail, caused by bacteria or fungi.

Often results from nail-biting, trauma, or prolonged exposure to moisture.


Redness and swelling around the nail.

Pain and tenderness.

Pus-filled blisters.


Warm water soaks.

Topical or oral antibiotics/antifungals.

Drainage of abscesses if necessary.

5. Nail Trauma


Injury to the nail or nail bed from accidents, sports, or repetitive trauma.

Ill-fitting shoes.


Bruising or dark discoloration under the nail (subungual hematoma).

Nail detachment.

Pain and swelling.


Keeping the affected area clean and protected.

Draining accumulated blood under the nail if painful.

In severe cases, removing the nail to allow new growth.